Election day rules

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Short story: Voting day, by Jack Remiel CottrellScenes from a polling place in gggggggggggg electorate, 14 October 2023 A scrutineer, wearing two large ggggggg rosettes, smiles and welcomes the first few voters. He knows his job well. He’d had to attest to reading the formal rules in front of a JP. And he had skimmed them, before … Newsroom2 hours ago Disorder in councilAn academic says the latest episode in the saga of Gore District Council dysfunction is all the evidence needed for local-government reform The appointment of Stephen Parry as Gore District Council’s interim chief executive should trigger intervention by the Minister of Local Government says Sydney-based public policy specialist Andy Asquith, … Newsroom2 hours ago Don’t throw the crypto baby out with the mercenary bathwaterThe Reserve Bank is preparing for the day when cryptocurrency goes mainstream in New Zealand but there are plenty of sceptics who doubt the benefits of digital assets. Ben Rose argues the case for moving forward. A month or so ago we heard the unfortunate tale of New Zealand’s own crypto-exchange … Newsroom2 hours ago Kiwi Fern’s emotional quest to discover her identityExplosive Kiwi Ferns centre Shanice Parker never met her Kiwi dad until her teens. Now the Aussie-born multi-code star is embracing new whānau and giving her son what she missed out on. Each time Shanice Parker pulls on the Kiwi Ferns jersey, it’s as if she’s adding another layer to … Newsroom2 hours ago That’s the Spirit – making a sea changeThe ship that’s changed 80,000 lives, the Spirit of New Zealand is now on a course to enhance the health of the Hauraki Gulf, with the help of its young crew and partners ashore Talking sh*t floats Bruce Pilbrow’s boat. The CEO of the Spirit of Adventure Trust, Pilbrow is on … Newsroom2 hours ago Long Read: Is film criticism a blessing or a curse?This is The Detail’s Long Read – one in-depth story read by us every weekend. This week, it’s music and culture writer Tony Stamp reading his latest Webworm column, Totally Normal. It’s called ‘Is Film Criticism A Blessing Or A Curse?’ and he joins Alexia Russell to wade into what some are calling “the death of media … Newsroom2 hours ago Election-eve poll points to closing gapA Roy Morgan poll published this evening reinforces other recent surveys in showing a closing gap between right and left. Conducted between September 4 and October 8, the poll puts National down half a point to 30.5%, with Act falling from the unlikely height of 18% in the last Roy … The SpinoffBy Toby Manhire3 hours ago Election-eve poll points to closing gapA Roy Morgan poll published this evening reinforces other recent surveys in showing a closing gap between right and left. Conducted between September 4 and October 8, the poll puts National down half a point to 30.5%, with Act falling from the unlikely height of 18% in the last Roy … The SpinoffBy Toby Manhire3 hours ago Capitalism: The Elephant In The Room At The Leader’s DebateWatching the leader’s debate last night was both revealing and disturbing at the same time. I have no idea who hit who with a bed leg, but that doesn’t surprise me. We all know a lot of funny business goes on in politics. What really surprised … Scoop politics3 hours ago 7 journalists killed since beginning of Israeli aggression on GazaIsraeli occupation forces are intentionally targeting Palestinian journalists in the besieged Gaza Strip, media outlets warned after three reporters were killed Tuesday bringing the total number of journalists killed since Saturday to seven, reports Middle East Monitor. The Government Media Office’s Monitoring and Follow-up Unit in Gaza has documented … Evening ReportBy Asia Pacific Report3 hours ago NZ’s Stuff media group quits X (Twitter) over ‘disinformation’Pacific Media Watch Stuff, New Zealand’s biggest independently owned news business, today announced it will stop sharing content to X (formerly Twitter), effective immediately. A media statement said that decision followed Stuff’s increasing concerns about the volume of mis- and disinformation being shared, and the “damaging behaviour being exhibited on … Evening ReportBy Asia Pacific Report4 hours ago Starlink satellites are ‘leaking’ signals that interfere with our most sensitive radio telescope…Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Steven Tingay, John Curtin Distinguished Professor (Radio Astronomy), Curtin University NOIRLab, CC BY When I was a child in the 1970s, seeing a satellite pass overhead in the night sky was a rare event. Now it is commonplace: sit outside … Evening ReportBy The Conversation5 hours ago Cars are a ‘privacy nightmare on wheels’. Here’s how they get away with collecting and sharing…Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Katharine Kemp, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law & Justice, and Deputy Director, Allens Hub for Technology, Law & Innovation, UNSW Sydney Shutterstock Cars with internet-connected features are fast becoming all-seeing data-harvesting machines – a so-called “privacy nightmare on wheels”, according … Evening ReportBy The Conversation5 hours ago Cars are a ‘privacy nightmare on wheels’. Here’s how they get away with collecting and sharing…Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Katharine Kemp, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law & Justice, and Deputy Director, Allens Hub for Technology, Law & Innovation, UNSW Sydney Shutterstock Cars with internet-connected features are fast becoming all-seeing data-harvesting machines – a so-called “privacy nightmare on wheels”, according … Evening ReportBy The Conversation5 hours ago The daily wrapFor the final time this side of election day, let’s take a look at some of the day’s top reads. Tāmaki Makaurau: The Māori electorate desired by many. The final leader press conferences of the campaign: Chris Hipkins on Labour’s last minute “groundswell” of support and Chris Luxon wants … The SpinoffBy Stewart Sowman-Lund6 hours ago When will we know the NZ election result?Everything you need to know about when things will unfold on Saturday night and beyond. What time do results come in? The polls close at 7pm on Saturday October 14. And we’ll get a pretty good idea of how accurate the opinion polls were very swiftly after that. How swiftly? … The SpinoffBy Toby Manhire6 hours ago Watch: Chris and Chris – The final chapterLast night’s TVNZ leaders’ debate saw the final end of the once beautiful Chris and Chris relationship. Watch our latest supercut below … The SpinoffBy Stewart Sowman-Lund6 hours ago Final Voice polls have ‘no’ leading by sizeable to landslide marginsSource: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Adrian Beaumont, Election Analyst (Psephologist) at The Conversation; and Honorary Associate, School of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne The referendum on the Indigenous Voice to parliament will be held on Saturday. Polls close at 6pm AEDT in the south-eastern states, … Evening ReportBy The Conversation6 hours ago Luxon wants to ‘get going as quickly as possible’ after election dayI just tuned into a livestream to watch National’s big blue campaign bus slowly drive around Hampton Downs race track and you know what, it was riveting viewing. After disembarking, Christopher Luxon fronted for his final press conference of the election campaign. “I want to get going as quickly as … The SpinoffBy Stewart Sowman-Lund6 hours ago Chris and Chris: The final chapterAnd so the story ends, not with a Chris but with a Chris. In the third and final leaders’ debate, Chrises Hipkins and Luxon attempt to repair their crumbling relationship, but some things are beyond saving. … The SpinoffBy The Spinoff6 hours ago Ibrahim Omer’s journey from door knocker to running his own campaignFor the final time this election, a door knocking story from the campaign trail. Here is Labour’s Wellington Central candidate Ibrahim Omer… We are running a massive grassroots campaign here in Wellington Central, so I’ve been doing lots of doors myself this year. I love it. It’s an important way … The SpinoffBy Stewart Sowman-Lund7 hours ago Right Bloc Misleading Voters Over Cause Of InflationOn RNZ’s First Up this morning, David Seymour identified government spending as the primary cause of inflation in Aotearoa, despite clear evidence, both domestically and internationally, to the contrary. A report released in August this year by the … Scoop politics7 hours ago Election 2023: The cost of living policies in two minutesEverything, everywhere is expensive – so who has the best plan to tackle it? To explore the offerings in more depth, check out Policy.nz. See more from our policy in two minutes series here. Where 2020 will go down as a Covid election, history will remember this year’s election as being … The SpinoffBy Stewart Sowman-Lund7 hours ago Photography: Real and Imagined at the NGV – a huge and dazzling exhibition that reexamines our thi…Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Sasha Grishin, Adjunct Professor of Art History, Australian National University Installation view of Patrick Pound’s People who look dead but (probably) aren’t 2011–2014 on display in Photography: Real & Imagined at The Ian Potter Centre: NGV Australia from October 13 2023 – … Evening ReportBy The Conversation7 hours ago The final push a safe affair for both ChrisesLabour and National headed to the safest places they could find for the final sprint on election eve South Auckland, Bay of Plenty, and Waikato were fitting final campaign stops for Chris Hipkins and Christopher Luxon on Friday as the clock ticks down to election day. After six weeks traversing … Newsroom8 hours ago Hotel Sector Is Ready To Help Next Government Solve Tourism’s ProblemsAhead of this Saturday’s general election, Hotel Council Aotearoa (HCA) has called for the next government of New Zealand to work collaboratively with businesses and local communities to solve tourism funding and structural challenges. Reforming tourism … Scoop politics8 hours ago Advance voting latestAdvance voting continues to track a little above the levels of 2017, but down on 2020. Yesterday, 151,280 votes were cast, bringing the advance total, with one day (today) left to over a million: 1,122,098, to be precise. It’s difficult to draw too many conclusions about what this does or doesn’t … The SpinoffBy Toby Manhire8 hours ago ‘Groundswell’ of late support for Labour, says Hipkins in MāngereChris Hipkins says he’s left it all out on the field during the election campaign and believes there is a “groundswell” of late support for the Labour Party. And despite the low blow “bed leg” comment in last night’s debate, he reckons his party’s campaign has been “very positive”. Speaking … The SpinoffBy Stewart Sowman-Lund8 hours ago Stuff quits Twitter over ‘volume of mis- and dis-information’Stuff has announced it will stop sharing any content on Twitter citing the quantity of “mis- and dis-information being shared on the platform” along with “damaging behaviours”. Aside from during times of crisis, the outlet and all of its subsidiary platforms will withdraw from the social media network effective immediately. … The SpinoffBy Stewart Sowman-Lund8 hours ago Election 2023: The crime and justice policies in two minutesPolling shows that crime and justice are a major concern for New Zealanders. Use Policy.nz to explore the policies parties are offering in greater depth, and read this for the fast version. Everyone wants to stop crimes from happening, but approaches vary widely. In an electoral term where crimes have … The SpinoffBy Shanti Mathias8 hours ago The Friday Poem: ‘How to Shoot with a Snake’ by Johanna AitchisonA new poem by Manawatū poet Johanna Aitchison. How to Shoot with a Snake Make it an LA day. Make it in a warehouse. Make it bright outside, but cold inside. Make it with an actress, who has a famously fucked up father; a photographer who’s known as Dick; and … The SpinoffBy Johanna Aitchison8 hours ago The Unity Books bestseller chart for the week ending October 13The only published and available best-selling indie book chart in New Zealand is the top 10 sales list recorded every week at Unity Books’ stores in High St, Auckland, and Willis St, Wellington. AUCKLAND 1 Backwaters by Emma Ling Sidnam (Text Publishing, $38) The winner of the 2022 Michael Gifkins … The SpinoffBy The Spinoff Review of Books8 hours ago Israel-Gaza crisis: NZ must condemn atrocities but keep pushing for a two-state solutionSource: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Alexander Gillespie, Professor of Law, University of Waikato It was perhaps inevitable that the shock Hamas attack on Israel would become a minor election sideshow in New Zealand. Less than a week from the polls, a crisis in the Middle East offered … Evening ReportBy The Conversation8 hours ago Greens focus is all on Wellington for final days of campaignThe Green Party’s co-leaders spent time in Wellington in the final days of the campaign, seeking to boost two electorate candidates in key seats While Chris Hipkins is in South Auckland and Christopher Luxon is campaigning in Rotorua on Friday, the last day of the election campaign, Green Party co-leaders … Newsroom9 hours ago Hipkins defends policy bonfire, plans for potential next termChris Hipkins has defended his “policy bonfire” in an extended interview with RNZ’s Nine to Noon. Early on in his tenure, Hipkins dumped a number of once high profile party policies, including the merger of TVNZ and RNZ, while putting a number of others on the back burner. Speaking to … The SpinoffBy Stewart Sowman-Lund9 hours ago Join The Spinoff for election nightWe have a massive weekend of election coverage planned. We’re incredibly proud of our work this election and couldn’t have done it without the generous support of Spinoff Members. Thanks to their donations, we were able to cover this election more expansively than ever before with writers reporting from Dunedin, Christchurch, Wellington, … The SpinoffBy The Spinoff9 hours ago Tāmaki Makaurau: The Māori electorate desired by manyLabour MP Peeni Henare has held the Tāmaki Makaurau electorate for nine years. But with three new candidates vying for the seat, will he be able to retain it? Though the name Tāmaki Makaurau might translate to the land of many lovers, it could just as accurately be described as … The SpinoffBy Charlotte Muru-Lanning10 hours ago NZ police are using AI to catch criminals – but the law urgently needs to catch up tooSource: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Alexandra Sims, Associate Professor in Commericial Law, University of Auckland The use of artificial intelligence (AI) by New Zealand police is putting the spotlight on policing tactics in the 21st century. A recent Official Information Act request by Radio New Zealand revealed … Evening ReportBy The Conversation10 hours ago Election 2023: The employment policies in two minutesPay gaps, public holidays and paid parental leave: the policies around work and employment vary substantially across the political spectrum. Policy.nz has the details, but here are the fundamentals in two minutes. See more from our policy in two minutes series here. We might take it for granted as we … The SpinoffBy Charlotte Muru-Lanning10 hours ago Election 2023: How we’re covering the big nightThe what, where and when of election weekend on The Spinoff. What started out looking like a straightforward and fairly one-sided election has turned into a many-headed monster, with Labour and National inching closer to each other and the minor parties growing in influence on each side. Here at The … The SpinoffBy Madeleine Chapman10 hours ago How do I know if a rental house is mouldy before I sign the lease? 12 things to checkSource: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Rebecca Bentley, Professor of Social Epidemiology and Director of the Centre of Research Excellence in Healthy Housing at the Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, The University of Melbourne Shutterstock Although most Australian states require homes be free of … Evening ReportBy The Conversation10 hours ago What you need to know for election dayThe Electoral Commission says there will be “plenty of opportunity” for anyone who hasn’t voted ahead of election day, with over 2,300 polling places open around the country from 9am to 7pm. “Many people have got out early to vote, but there are still a lot who haven’t, and we … The SpinoffBy Stewart Sowman-Lund11 hours ago Last Chance To VoteTomorrow, Saturday 14 October, is election day and the last chance to vote in the 2023 General Election. “More than 2,300 voting places will be open from 9am until 7pm on Saturday, so there is plenty of opportunity for anyone who hasn’t voted … Scoop politics11 hours ago The campaign comes to a closeIt’s Friday, October 13 and welcome to The Spinoff’s election live updates. We did it – today is the last day of the election campaign. Polls close at 7pm tomorrow. I’m Stewart Sowman-Lund. Get in touch with me on [email protected] It’s your last chance to learn about the political parties … The SpinoffBy Stewart Sowman-Lund11 hours ago National And Labour Leaders Commit To Greyhound Racing Ban In 1News Leaders’ DebateIn a landmark moment for animal welfare, both the Labour and National party leaders pledged to ban greyhound racing during last night’s 1News Leaders’ debate. In response to the question “should greyhound racing be banned,” Labour party leader … Scoop politics12 hours ago The Early Results Are In: Kiwi Kids Choose Chris Hipkins As Preferred Prime MinisterThey may not be old enough to have their votes officially counted, but children in Aotearoa are mirroring the latest polls by signalling a tight race between the Chrises. Preliminary results from 600 children who took part in Save the Children’s … Scoop politics12 hours ago Their house, my garden: Buzzing friends and slimy foesThis week on Their house, my garden, we draw the battle lines when it comes to bugs and give tips on managing the baddies. If you haven’t had the pleasure of meeting an entomologist, I would recommend it. I’ve chatted to one who stopped during a safari in Africa to … The SpinoffBy Gabi Lardies12 hours ago Their house, my garden: Buzzing friends and slimy foesThis week on Their house, my garden, we draw the battle lines when it comes to bugs and give tips on managing the baddies. If you haven’t had the pleasure of meeting an entomologist, I would recommend it. I’ve chatted to one who stopped during a safari in Africa to … The SpinoffBy Gabi Lardies12 hours ago The 2023 Election’s Untold StoryCrowded out by chaotic Christopher coalitions and stories about the rise and rise of Winston (the one with the long trousers), is that of the dramatically holistic agenda offered by the hitherto unknown Progressive Party. Decades ago, the Greens’ … Scoop politics12 hours ago Political panel: RNZ’s political journalists unpick how the election campaign has unfolded.Political editor Jane Patterson and the rest of the team have been on Morning Report to assess how the election campaign has gone for the country’s political parties. … Radio NZ – political13 hours ago Israel flight: 90 seats secured for NZ and Pacific people – ‘The situation is deteriorati…The government is partnering with Etihad Airways to secure places on special flights out of the conflict zone. … Radio NZ – political13 hours ago Israel flight: 90 seats secured for NZ and Pacific people – ‘The situation is deteriorati…The government is partnering with Etihad Airways to secure places on special flights out of the conflict zone. … Radio NZ – political13 hours ago Election 2023: Voters told to steer clear of posting on social mediaSocial media users are being warned not to make posts on voting or any aspect of political campaigns come election day. … Radio NZ – political13 hours ago Election 2023: Voters told to steer clear of posting on social mediaSocial media users are being warned not to make posts on voting or any aspect of political campaigns come election day. … Radio NZ – political13 hours ago Israel flight: 90 seats secured for NZ and Pacific people – ‘The situation is deteriorati…The government is partnering with Etihad Airways to secure places on special flights out of the conflict zone. … Radio NZ – political13 hours ago Election 2023: Voters told to steer clear of posting on social mediaSocial media users are being warned not to make posts on voting or any aspect of political campaigns come election day. … Radio NZ – political13 hours ago Political panel: RNZ’s political journalists unpick how the election campaign has unfolded.Political editor Jane Patterson and the rest of the team have been on Morning Report to assess how the election campaign has gone for the country’s political parties. … Radio NZ – political13 hours ago Listen: Powering down to keep your savings upAre we using our energy networks as efficiently as possible? In this week’s When the Facts Change, Bernard Hickey talks to Marcia Poletti, Octopus Energy’s UK-based head of systems change, about how power companies can adapt their current systems to better support the energy grid. Plus: find the final … The SpinoffBy The Spinoff13 hours ago Listen: Powering down to keep your savings upAre we using our energy networks as efficiently as possible? In this week’s When the Facts Change, Bernard Hickey talks to Marcia Poletti, Octopus Energy’s UK-based head of systems change, about how power companies can adapt their current systems to better support the energy grid. Plus: find the final … The SpinoffBy The Spinoff13 hours ago Call the police: here’s everything you can’t do on election dayElection day isn’t just for voting, there are countless rules to follow between the hours of 12am and 7pm on October. Professional voter Madeleine Chapman spells them out. This article was first published in September 2017. Incredibly, only the names have been updated. Winston Peters is still the same. At … The SpinoffBy Madeleine Chapman13 hours ago Call the police: here’s everything you can’t do on election dayElection day isn’t just for voting, there are countless rules to follow between the hours of 12am and 7pm on October. Professional voter Madeleine Chapman spells them out. This article was first published in September 2017. Incredibly, only the names have been updated. Winston Peters is still the same. At … The SpinoffBy Madeleine Chapman13 hours ago Play-Doh, Don Brash and bed legs as the campaign reaches its climaxAhead of polls closing tomorrow, Stewart Sowman-Lund joined Chris Hipkins and Christopher Luxon for the last leg of the election campaign. There’s almost certainly some sort of half-baked political metaphor in Christopher Luxon moulding bright blue Play-Doh with a couple of toddlers just two days before polls close. In what … The SpinoffBy Stewart Sowman-Lund13 hours ago Play-Doh, Don Brash and bed legs as the campaign reaches its climaxAhead of polls closing tomorrow, Stewart Sowman-Lund joined Chris Hipkins and Christopher Luxon for the last leg of the election campaign. There’s almost certainly some sort of half-baked political metaphor in Christopher Luxon moulding bright blue Play-Doh with a couple of toddlers just two days before polls close. In what … The SpinoffBy Stewart Sowman-Lund13 hours ago The Bulletin: Humanitarian catastrophe looms as Gaza’s fuel supplies about to run outGaza only has a few more hours of fuel left, says the Red Cross, warning that the current humanitarian crisis will become “unmanageable” if hospitals lose all power and medical supplies aren’t allowed in. Water and electricity are already in short supply after Gaza’s only energy plant ran out of power … The SpinoffBy Catherine McGregor14 hours ago The Bulletin: Humanitarian catastrophe looms as Gaza’s fuel supplies about to run outGaza only has a few more hours of fuel left, says the Red Cross, warning that the current humanitarian crisis will become “unmanageable” if hospitals lose all power and medical supplies aren’t allowed in. Water and electricity are already in short supply after Gaza’s only energy plant ran out of power … The SpinoffBy Catherine McGregor14 hours ago ‘She is cared for and feels that she belongs’: what parents think of special schoolsSource: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Tania Aspland, Emeritus Professor (ACU) and Vice President (Kaplan ANZ), Australian Catholic University Yan Krukau/Pexels , CC BY-SA The Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability has shared its final report. In this series, we … Evening ReportBy The Conversation14 hours ago Live: Election 2023 – All the developments on 13 OctoberPolitical parties are making their final push for votes on the last day they can promote themselves in the 2023 general election. … Radio NZ – political14 hours ago We’ve reached the final day of the campaignIt’s been a long campaign but we’ve finally reached the end. At midnight tonight, the billboards will come down, the sign waving will stop – tomorrow really is election day. Today is the last day for political leaders to get out on the trail. Christopher Luxon will spend the day … The SpinoffBy Stewart Sowman-Lund14 hours ago We’ve reached the final day of the campaignIt’s been a long campaign but we’ve finally reached the end. At midnight tonight, the billboards will come down, the sign waving will stop – tomorrow really is election day. Today is the last day for political leaders to get out on the trail. Christopher Luxon will spend the day … The SpinoffBy Stewart Sowman-Lund14 hours ago Dumbing down or wising up: how will generative AI change the way we think?Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Sarah Vivienne Bentley, Research Scientist, Responsible Innovation, Data61, CSIRO Information is a valuable commodity. And thanks to technology, there are millions of terabytes of it online. Artificial intelligence (AI) tools such as ChatGPT are now managing this information on our behalf … Evening ReportBy The Conversation14 hours ago Coming to terms with the past is more important than ever. The Voice referendum is a vital first ste…Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Heidi Norman, Professor, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Technology Sydney This Saturday is the final day of voting in the Voice to Parliament referendum, which asks Australians to support recognition of First Peoples in the Constitution and enable First … Evening ReportBy The Conversation14 hours ago Can coffee help you avoid weight gain? Here’s what the science saysSource: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Lauren Ball, Professor of Community Health and Wellbeing, The University of Queensland Valeria Boltneva/Pexels Coffee is well recognised as having a positive impact on long-term health. Drinking the equivalent of three to four cups of instant coffee a day reduces the … Evening ReportBy The Conversation14 hours ago We found 3 types of food wasters, which one are you?Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Trang Nguyen, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Adelaide Andrey Popov, Shutterstock Each year, Australian households discard about 2.5 million tonnes of food. Most (73%) of this food waste ends up in landfill. This is costly and contributes to escalating greenhouse gas emissions, … Evening ReportBy The Conversation14 hours ago 50 years ago when the Middle East was at war, oil prices skyrocketed. But it probably won’t happen…Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Jamie Cross, Assistant Professor of Econometrics & Statistics, Melbourne Business School Global oil prices jumped after Israel declared war on Hamas in response to its unexpected attack on Israel on Saturday, the eve of the 50th anniversary of the 1973 Arab-Israeli War. … Evening ReportBy The Conversation14 hours ago Arts organisations say they want to be ‘cultural leaders’ – but are they living up to their go…Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Samuel Cairnduff, PhD candidate in cultural leadership, Deakin University Shutterstock When the date of the referendum was announced, the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra (TSO) quietly cancelled its Last Night of the Proms concert scheduled for the night before. The reason, given … Evening ReportBy The Conversation14 hours ago

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