AI Tools For Revolutionizing Postgraduate Research in 2024

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Postgraduate research is a challenging and rewarding endeavor that requires a lot of skills, knowledge, and resources. However, with the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI), postgraduate researchers can now leverage a variety of AI tools that can help them with various aspects of their research, such as literature review, writing, data analysis, and presentation. In this article, we will introduce the best AI tools for postgraduate research in 2024, and how they can revolutionize the research process and outcomes.

Semantic Scholar:

Semantic Scholar is an AI-powered academic search engine that helps researchers find relevant and reliable papers, books, and datasets. It uses natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) to analyse the content, citations, and impact of millions of publications and provides smart filters, recommendations, and summaries. Semantic Scholar is a great tool for conducting comprehensive and efficient literature reviews and staying updated with the latest research trends and developments. is an AI-powered research organization platform that helps researchers manage, collaborate, and share their research projects. It allows researchers to create interactive and dynamic documents that can embed various types of media, such as images, videos, charts, maps, and more. It also integrates with various online sources, such as Google Scholar, YouTube, Twitter, and more, and provides smart suggestions, insights, and analytics. is a great tool for organizing and presenting research in a visually appealing and engaging way.


Scholarcy is an AI-powered research summarization tool that helps researchers read and understand research papers faster and easier. It uses NLP and ML to extract the key information, arguments, and findings from any research paper and generates a concise and accurate summary. It also provides a citation graph, a reference list, and a flashcard deck for each paper, and allows researchers to export the summaries to various formats, such as PDF, Word, and PowerPoint. Scholarcy is a great tool for saving time and effort in reading and comprehending research papers.


Scite is an AI-powered citation evaluation tool that helps researchers assess the reliability and quality of research papers. It uses NLP and ML to analyze the citation context of millions of papers and classifies them as supporting, contrasting, or mentioning. It also provides a citation statement browser, a citation network graph, and a citation report for each paper, and allows researchers to filter, sort, and search the citations. Scite is a great tool for verifying and validating research claims and evidence.

Next net:

Next net is an AI-powered drug discovery and health research tool that helps researchers explore and discover new drugs and treatments. It uses deep learning and graph neural networks to create a comprehensive and searchable knowledge graph of biomedical entities, such as genes, proteins, diseases, drugs, and more. It also provides various features, such as similarity search, subgraph search, and pathfinding, and allows researchers to visualize and interact with the graph. Next net is a great tool for advancing and accelerating drug and health research.

Explain Paper:

Explain Paper is an AI-powered paper explanation tool that helps researchers understand complex and technical papers. It uses NLP and ML to generate natural language explanations for any paper, covering the abstract, introduction, methods, results, and discussion sections. It also provides a question-answering feature, where researchers can ask specific questions about the paper, and receive AI-generated answers. Explain Paper is a great tool for learning and mastering new and difficult concepts and methods.


GPT is an AI-powered text generation tool that helps researchers create and generate various types of text, such as summaries, abstracts, introductions, conclusions, and more. It uses a large-scale neural network model that can generate coherent and fluent text based on any given prompt, context, or keyword. It also provides various parameters, such as temperature, top-k, and top-p, to control the randomness and diversity of the generated text. GPT is a great tool for stimulating and inspiring research creativity and productivity.

Paper Brain:

Paper Brain is an AI-powered paper analysis tool that helps researchers get quick and accurate information about any paper. It uses NLP and ML to provide bite-sized information for each paper, such as achievements, background, context, and discussions. It also allows researchers to ask questions and get explanations about the paper, such as what is the main contribution, what are the limitations, and what are the future directions. Paper Brain is a great tool for gaining and retaining knowledge and insights from research papers.


AI tools are revolutionizing postgraduate research by providing various features and functions that can help researchers with literature review, data analysis, writing, and presentation.

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