China science, technology news summary — Oct. 14

2 Min Read

BEIJING, Oct. 14 (Xinhua) — The following is a summary of published science and technology news of China:


A team of 16 college students from Shenzhen University has developed an artificial intelligence (AI) program that helps identify sick lion-head geese for breeders, increasing the survival rate of the gaggle by 30 percent.

The program provides real-time alerts for “listless geese” and “feverish geese,” displaying temperature, humidity, PM2.5 levels, and trends in data changes on the farm. This has helped the farm increase the survival rate of lion-head geese by 30 percent.


A new study has disclosed that, although both are red, red fruits exhibit lower color diversity than red flowers when viewed by birds, according to the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The study results showed that there are significant differences between flowers and fruits in terms of color diversity, spectral properties and color perceptions. Red fruits had lower color diversity than red flowers, with redder hues and fewer secondary reflectance peaks.


Chinese scientists have unveiled a quantum computer prototype named “Jiuzhang 3.0” with 255 detected photons, pushing the boundaries of photonics quantum computing technology.

Led by the renowned Chinese quantum physicist Pan Jianwei, the research team accomplished the quantum computing feat, achieving a speed that is 10 quadrillion times faster in solving Gaussian boson sampling (GBS) problems compared to the world’s existing fastest supercomputers.

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