companies underestimate the lead time and complexity of digital transformation projects (FOTO)

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Bielefeld/Walldorf (ots) –

– Companies under pressure: Organizational adjustments are the main driver of IT

transformations worldwide (36%). Sustainability is a key transformation motive

for only 15%.

– During the transformation process, companies particularly underestimate

communication between departments and divisions (39%) and the adequate

provision of resources (30%).

– German companies are in third place when it comes to preparing their IT for

the integration of future-oriented technologies (e.g. AI). Pioneers are

Switzerland (47%) and the USA (43%).

Technological progress, new consumer habits and global developments are forcing

companies to constantly adapt their IT systems. The fact that such projects are

usually more complex and time-consuming than expected is demonstrated by the

latest figures from the International Transformation Study 2024

( , which is

conducted annually by the internationally operating SAP© consulting company NTT

DATA Business Solutions AG together with IT service provider Natuvion GmbH. The

study provides descriptive insights into the IT transformation practices of

companies with the aim of providing managers with a compass for future projects.

More than 1,200 CEOs, CIOs and IT decision-makers from a total of 15 countries

were surveyed on ongoing or completed transformation projects.

Pressure to adapt to technology is increasing worldwide

Technological developments and the pressure on the economy to adapt are putting

companies under pressure. At 36%, companies cite organizational adjustments

(restructuring) as the most common reason for an IT transformation. In the

automotive industry, which is undergoing a massive upheaval due to the switch to

electromobility in particular, restructuring even tops the list of motives for

transformation at 48%. The booming life sciences sector is doing similarly.

Here, too, organizational adjustments came first with 38%.

Immediately after this, respondents across all participating countries chose the

introduction of new technologies such as artificial intelligence as the second

most common transformation motive with 27%. In a comparison of countries,

Switzerland and the USA lead the table of pioneers with 47% and 43%

respectively. German companies are in third place: 37% of them stated that they

had started their IT transformation in order to introduce modern technologies

such as AI.

Growing demand for transformation expertise

A key finding of the Transformation Study 2024 is that companies often

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