Council Post: Humanizing AI: Four Secrets To Fleshing Out Your Content

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Creation is an essential human practice. Whether it be in the form of art, as it once was, or presently in the form of content, our species creates to satisfy an indefinable inner compulsion for both work and leisure. In other words, humans are organic generators.

Interestingly, a new form of AI-generated content, undetectable AI, has risen as an easy tool for students writing essays and professionals making blog posts who are trying to elude AI detection systems by sounding more human. Whether inadvertently or by design, undetectable AI has sparked a conversation about how humans sound and feel most like themselves through the text they generate.

AI detection tools work by selecting which pieces of text feel the most perfect, so in the coming explosion of artificial content, it’s your basic human instinct that will allow you to fly under any detection system’s radar without being flagged.

It’s hard, though, with similar sources feeding people similar information and inspiration, for your content not to feel robotic, uniform and homogenous. By learning the programming secrets behind undetectable AI that give it human style, heart and soul, you can learn how to make better content.

Here’s a simple guide to the four key factors demonstrating how undetectable AI humanizes content. Being human is risky business, and while these secrets may help sidestep AI detectors, you may still be at risk when submitting content that breaches specific guidelines against the practice of using AI-generated content. This is an article about how to use AI as a tool to enhance, not replace, your writing.

Undetectable AI models can elude AI detection services by accounting for the relevant factors determining whether text is human or artificially produced. Two metrics that have popped up with AI detectors are perplexity and burstiness — two words that make or break any undetectable AI model and your AI-generated content.

Perplexity is a dead giveaway. Nothing can think like a machine better than another machine. A detection tool’s predictive capability can’t account for the incomprehensible and even random aspects of the human mind. AI-generated text will almost always pick the most common and predictable word to generate again and again.

A person might not be able to tell the difference, but an AI detector will spot the pattern right away. By sprinkling in uncommon words and deepening your diction, you not only humanize your content but also free your writing from expectation.

Burstiness, for our purposes, relates to the length of your sentences and their structure. AI writing is “perfect,” in a sense, and will never create incomplete sentences or forget any grammar school essentials. If the writing is too good to be real, according to the AI detectors, it isn’t.

That doesn’t necessarily mean humanized writing is bad writing, though. Human writing takes rhythm and style into account, infusing subtle poetry into our ordinary text. Alternatively, AI writing is free of tension, and often, tension is the most interesting thing about someone’s writing.

If you want to humanize your writing, don’t just consider sentence structure; find the musicality in your text and let the sound guide you. Write beautiful, enlightening, vibey or sweet sentences, not perfect sentences.

Whether the mind generating your content is yours or AI, readability is a top priority. Readability, or how much people actually care to read your words, is just as much a stylistic bar as it is a professional bar. Digital platforms often track metrics that determine if your content is “helpful.”

Google uses a ranking algorithm that rewards readable content as “high quality” to get it in front of more eyeballs. This makes it especially important for businesses to value readability if they want to leverage AI-generated content for blogs or to assist with their search engine optimization (SEO).

Readability is relatability. If a person can feel you in your writing, they will keep reading. You can relate to them using simple, clear language and storytelling. Dare to be personable, memorable or even funny.

When it comes to AI writing, accurate information isn’t always a guarantee, especially if you’re a student submitting an essay with citations. AI writing tends to make up information that it doesn’t already know. This can be a major issue if you aim to use AI-generated content to inform your finished writing product. Both prospective readers and AI detectors will respond more positively to content that isn’t the product of guesswork.

Does your content hold up against AI detection tools? If not, which ones does it get flagged by? Getting to a point where your AI-generated content can out-human any AI detectors is a major accomplishment, but maintaining that status is a constant struggle. Detection systems are constantly learning how both standard AI writers and undetectable algorithms function.

The best way to stay on top of the detector’s changes is to constantly test your content against them. Generate text on your tool, humanize it if needed, and then run multiple examples through each detector. Don’t just focus on a larger service like Turnitin; look into alternatives like Originality AI or GPTZero. It’s especially important to do this if an AI detection tool announces an update.

Every day, AI is integrating more rapidly into our lives. Any action that allows for AI tools should be expected to utilize them. Writing is no different, but without being humanized first, your content will be a dead giveaway to machines and humans alike.

These tips are meant to serve you whether you write the old-fashioned way or the new-fangled way. Artificial intelligence aims to rewrite how humans write, and regardless of how much you intend to use the tool, there is always room to improve your writing.

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