Feds to increase focus on artificial intelligence

2 Min Read

WASHINGTON — The Justice Department will step up its focus on artificial intelligence, with officials warning Thursday that companies and people who deliberately misuse the technology to advance a white-collar crime like price fixing, fraud or market manipulation will be at risk for a harsher sentence.

Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco said the Justice Department will take into account how well a company is managing the risks of AI technology each time it assesses a corporate compliance program.

Thursday’s comments from the Justice Department’s No. 2 leader underscore the extent to which law enforcement officials are concerned about how the rapidly developing technology could be exploited, by foreign adversaries or by corporate criminals, to harm the U.S.

“All new technologies are a double-edged sword — but AI may be the sharpest blade yet. It holds great promise to improve our lives — but great peril when criminals use it to supercharge their illegal activities, including corporate crime,” Monaco told an American Bar Association conference of white-collar lawyers in San Francisco.

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