IISc’s cutting-edge Advanced Certification Programme in Computational Data Science is helping professionals thrive in today’s data-driven world – Times of India

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Digital transformation has gripped the world. Artificial intelligence has become a prominent part of technological narratives, and its category, Generative AI, has also gained prominence in this dialogue. As per research, Generative AI could increase global GDP by $7-10 trillion, or by as much as 10%. Businesses are innovating to enhance efficiency as well as productivity and push the boundaries of product development.Generative AI’s deployment could lead to a vital workforce productivity boom over the course of one to three years, which could impact the economic cycle.

While algorithms gain precedence, all the accumulated data is an asset that will determine the future of businesses. It is essential to understand the importance of rooting actions in a comprehensive data strategy to sail through a dynamic digital-first world.

To tap into the potential of data that can chart the course of a company’s growth, there is an increasing need for data scientists who can blend several avenues like statistics, computer science, machine learning etc. They need to transform data into actionable insights and power a varied range of business applications. Companies are growing increasingly reliant on data scientists to stand apart from the rest in this data era. As per a report, the rise of data science needs will create approximately 11.5 million job openings by 2026.

However, data science is a multidisciplinary field. Often, its disciplines are taught in isolation, as a result of which, a holistic perspective is missing, which also adds to the issue of professionals lacking the skill set to grow in a fast-paced field like data science.

For Data Science professionals aspiring to achieve significant milestones in their careers, the PG Level Advanced Certification Programme in Computational Data Science, offered by the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) in collaboration with TalentSprint, provides a specialised skill set. This Data Science course is tailored to empower professionals, offering a unique opportunity to enhance their capabilities and make substantial strides in the field of Data Science.

Why choose IISc?

Embarking on the journey to attain an advanced certification from a prestigious institution like IISc will elevate professionals’ career trajectories significantly. This premier institute has been crowned as India’s #1 University and #1 Research Institute by the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) 2023 ranking. The institute’s legacy is rich as its roof has housed distinguished alumni who have held remarkable academic and industry positions across the globe.

Strengthen your expertise under the guidance of IISc’s prominent faculty

A. Prof. Sashikumaar Ganesan (Ph.D., Computational Mathematics, OvGU Germany) – Programme Co-Coordinator: He is a professor and Chair of the Department of Computational and Data Sciences (CDS) at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, and the founder of Zenteiq Edtech, a deep tech startup. His diverse expertise and knowledge make him one of the foremost figures in AI and MLOps, driving advancements in the field.

B. Prof. Deepak Subramani (Bayesian Learning, ML/AI for Environment Autonomy, Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA, B.Tech and M.Tech, IIT Madras) – Programme Co-Coordinator: He is an assistant professor in the Dept of Computational and Data Sciences, IISc and an alumnus of MIT and IIT Madras. He is also a renowned data scientist and AI expert. His contributions include foundational models and GenAI for autonomous robots, weather forecasting, etc.

C. Prof. Shashi Jain (Quantitative Finance, Derivative Pricing, Real Option Analysis, PhD Applied Mathematics, TU Delft, Netherlands, BTech and MTech, IIT Madras) – Assistant Professor at the Department of Management Studies, IISc: His research interests include quantitative finance, investment decisions related to energy etc.

D. Prof. Yogesh Simmhan (Data and Computing Systems, Big Data, Internet of Things, Ph.D. Computer Science, Indiana University, USA) – Associate Professor in the Department of Computational and Data Sciences, IISc: His research explores abstractions, algorithms and applications on distributed systems.

E. Prof. Sundeep Prabhakar Chepuri (Computational Signal Processing, GNN, ML, Statistical Inference, Ph.D. TU Delft, Netherlands) – Assistant Professor at the Department of Electrical Communication Engineering, IISc: His research areas encompass AI, ML,and statistical inference for Data and Network Sciences.

A high-impact format

A cutting-edge curriculum is at the helm of this programme

IISc Computational Data Science Programme Overview

Bridge Module 0:

This 4-week module will equip you with essential skills in Google Colab, Python basics, foundational mathematics, data visualisation, and data cleaning/munging using Matplotlib, Numpy, and Pandas, providing a solid foundation for data science learning journey

Module 1: Foundations of Data Science: Probability and Statistics

Module 2: Foundations of Data Science: Calculus and Matrix

Module 3: Machine Learning

Module 4: AI at Scale

Module 5: Neural Networks

Module 6: Generative AI in Production

Module 7: Data Engineering

Module 8: Business Analytics

Is this programme for you?

IISc’s PG Level Advanced Certification course in Computational Data Science is conceptualised for tech professionals who are motivated to develop proficient capabilities in data science. Data architects who want to grow their careers can also explore this programme’s prospects. Programmers who want to venture into data science can also sign up for this course. Leaders who want to build companies rooted in data will also find the outcomes of this programme fruitful in their journey.

What are the programme outcomes?

The 12-month PG Level Advanced Certification course in Computational Data Science guided by world-class faculty from IISc enriches professional expertise with practical industry insights. Through this program, you can learn the art of constructing powerful models that unveil actionable insights, helping professionals make informed, data-driven decisions that resonate with the dynamic needs of the industry.

Over 750 professionals have harnessed the transformative potential of this program, advancing their Data Science proficiency. The amalgamation of impactful learning with practical application will enable a paradigm shift in professional trajectory by:

Let’s take a look at what the alumni have to say about IISc’s PG Level Advanced Certification course in Computational Data Science

Sameer Lowlekar (Cohort 1), Senior Technical Project Manager, says, “…The ML and other modules were highlighted anyway. But, personally, I am very thankful to the coverage given to the mathematics part…”

Aarthika Thagavel (Cohort 3), Vice President, opines on the programme, “…Professors are extremely talented and extremely knowledgeable, so I was able to understand, break down each and every single concept of data science or the basics…”

An overview of vital programme details:

As this programme is designed to unlock the power of data to solve complex real-world challenges and make data driven decisions, interested participants should keep the following programme specifics in mind before opting for it.

Data Science will continue to grow. The application of Generative AI in the field of data science has caught technologists’ attention. It is already being deployed for works like content creation and data analysis. This implementation will change the way work is perceived and will also offer a newer way to look at productivity.

The PG level Advanced Certification in Computational Data Science bt IISc equips you with the skills and knowledge you need to leverage the intelligent agents that are set to drive the next generation of the internet.

To know more about the programme, click here.

Disclaimer: This article has been produced on behalf of TalentSprint by Times Internet’s Spotlight team.

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