ITU appoints 12 members, including Kenyan Clinton Oduor, to the Youth Advisory Board

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NAIROBI, Kenya, Mar 4 – The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has appointed 12 members to the Youth Advisory Board to support the United Nations Digital Agency in advancing global connectivity.

The inaugural Youth Advisory Board members include Clinton Oduor (Kenya), an expert in machine learning engineering at Amini; Daniella Darlington (Ghana), co-founder of Copianto AI; and Maitha Aljamris (UAE), an international cooperation officer in the UAE’s telecommunications sector.

Others are Joshua Ingersoll (US),Melissa Michelle Munoz Suro (Dominican Republic),Halima Ismail (Bahrain),Hamza Hameed (Pakistan),Khanh Linh Tong (Viet Nam),Uliana Stoliarova (Russia),Roser Almenar (Spain),Okan Dursun (Türkiye), andNadir Atayev (Azerbaijan).

The young digital experts and innovators aged between 18 and 30 years will combine their expertise in artificial intelligence (AI), environmental issues, space, innovation, and youth empowerment to promote technology for good.

ITU Secretary-General Doreen Bogdan noted that the young leaders’ will help governments and industry work together to connect 2.6 billion people still offline around the world.

“These brilliant young minds breathe passion and ambition, focused on one powerful goal to bridge the digital divide in this generation,” said Bogdan, ITU Secretary-General.

The diverse 12-member advisory group will further provide concrete, innovative, and inclusive recommendations to the ITU Secretary-General to enhance worldwide cooperation and strengthen global connectivity.

“At the heart of this initiative is the goal of giving young people a voice within the UN Digital Agency and bringing fresh perspectives to the table,” she added.

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