Letters to the editor for Sunday, June 2, 2024

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Letters to the editor should be 250 words or less. Include your name and city or community of residence. Guest opinions should be 600 words or less and include a brief summary of the author’s credentials relevant to the topic. Guest opinions may include a head shot of the author. For the Fort Myers News-Press, email submissions to mailbag@news-press.com and for the Naples Daily News to letters@naplesnews.com

There are two reasons for my letter. The first is to reinforce a warning we have all heard many times over.Never be alone in and around water.It is a warning that went unheeded in my world a few weeks ago. Unbeknownst to me, my husband decided to hose off our dock, a task he has undertaken many times over on his own, with no one watching or aware that he was near the water. From what I can gather, this is what then unfolded that beautiful sunny Saturday afternoon.He was deep in thought, and as he was going about his chore, he backed up too close to the edge of the dock, lost his footing, slipped and fell into the boat slip. We have no ladder or grab bar on our dock. It is fully encrusted with barnacles – razor sharp barnacles. He bumped his head going in and when his feet hit bottom, they were punctured by debris. Dazed, he looked up, saw the sun and realized he was underwater and needed to get up quickly. He was weakened from a rigorous workout he undertook just before starting his “clean-up project.” He was trying desperately to find something to grab onto, but this only added to the already significant cuts from the barnacles that are everywhere around our dock. This is when our story takes a miraculous turn.

Angels appeared. They appeared in the form of two couples in a boat who saw my husband fall into the water and not come back up quickly. They were at the right place at the right time and were willing and able to help, which is exactly what they did! Somehow, they were able to pull him from the water and onto their boat, then get him onto the dock. They stayed with him until he called me from the house. Believe it or not, his phone was still working!

In all the excitement, I did not get their names and have no way of contacting them to tell them how grateful I am, how grateful our entire family is for their random act of kindness. They are heroes, and until now, unsung heroes! I only hope is that whoever you are, you are reading this and that you know you saved a life that day. My husband and I have talked about it many times over as you can only imagine. Every time, the conclusion is the same. He would not still be here with me, with our family, had it not been for you! You are my angels right here on earth. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!Jerri Hoffmann, Naples

My friends and I used to go downtown weekly to eat, drink, and be merry, and buy things we didn’t know we needed. Since the parking system fiasco we have gone elsewhere. I graduated from college and can’t figure out how to pay to park.

Martha Baez, Fort Myers

After checking the county election site, I find it disturbing that no one, regardless of party affiliation, is currently on the slate to run against Commissioner LoCastro in the November 5 election. No one. Nada. Nil. According to the site, District 3 has five people running. District 5 has two people running.

Our commissioner has demonstrated that his first concern is serving developers rather his constituents. Surely there is someone out there who is qualified, actually cares about the needs of individual communities within their district, and is not using the Collier County Commission merely as a stepping stone to higher office.

The Collier County Commission has, once again, become nothing more than a good old boys club, much like in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s. Collier County voters have enabled this. Collier County voters can fix this.

Jeri Neuhaus, Naples

As a woman I was offended that Nancy Armour doesn’t support my life decision. You see, I am a homemaker! In fact, I am a darn good one! Just ask my husband of 30 years, my four college graduate children (who have paid off their student loans), my college and my middle school sons. Ask the spouses of my children, ask their friends, their teachers, professors, supervisors, etc., if I have done a good job.You see I don’t receive a paycheck nor do I receive accolades from society or Nancy Armour. My goal is to get my husband and children to Heaven and to make productive members of society, not a paycheck.

Rhonda Aubert, Ave Maria

Good grief! You have somehow once again offered Nancy Armour the opportunity to display her very liberal political views on the Sports page. If I understand her thesis correctly, young women who are supposed to be smart enough and capable of leading the world are going to be negatively impacted by the words of a guy who kicks a football for a living. If that is the case, they are neither smart nor capable. In my world, women who make excellent choices each day will never be influenced by the words of others and will be the individuals we want to lead the world. Of course, Nancy was the same person who accused me of being a racist homophobe for not watching and supporting women play bad basketball.

Thinking she should permanently be placed in the “in between assignments” category.

Don Rader, Naples

When the president of the United States takes the oath of office, he swears to uphold and defend the country and Constitution against foreign and domestic enemies. The people who attacked the government protesting Biden’s winning of the election were all domestics and the current president at that time did NOTHING to put a stop to the rioting, therefore, he was in default of his oath. He didn’t uphold his word, therefore, he should not be allowed to run again, simply because he disobeyed the law. If he did it once over such an important issue, he could do it again because of his egotism. End of story!

Pat Whitehall, Lehigh Acres

Recently, I penned a letter to the editor in which I chided Governor DeSantis for his proclamation prohibiting the sale and manufacture of lab grown meats in the state of Florida. I was out of the country at the time of its publication, but I was greatly amused, on my return, to listen to a voicemail message that had been left on my phone. The caller apparently researched me to some extent. She mentioned that I lived in the “armpit of Florida” (Cape Coral), she subjectively described my personal politics. Although I would love to publish the transcript in its entirety, that would not be permissible due to the vulgarity vividly expressed within. As you might expect, the message was from an “unknown number.” I always find it interesting when an individual is so willing to express their personal opinion yet finds it necessary to hide behind the cloak of anonymity.But I digress, at the risk of receiving additional voicemail tirades from similarly unhinged individuals, I now feel compelled to comment upon the latest action by our illustrious governor. It appears, to me, that he is continuing his glorious march into total obscurity. Thanks to his proficiency in all matters of science and his innate ability to be forward thinking (yes, that is sarcasm), he has now signed a law deleting climate change from Florida policy. In spite of a cornucopia of indisputable facts, Governor DeSantis is, in effect, proclaiming that climate change does not exist. Similar to the popular myth of ostriches putting their heads in the ground, Governor DeSantis seems to believe that the denial of scientific fact will simply make it go away. I’m sure this will work well for him up until rising sea levels, warming ocean temperatures, ever increasing numbers and strengths of hurricanes and tornadoes, and catastrophic flooding ultimately cause our little ostrich to be washed or blown away forever. In the meantime, our pathetic little Don Quixote-esq governor, can puff out his chest and loudly proclaim how right he is, but only up until he no longer is.

Bob Lightner, Cape Coral

Last year the Florida Legislature earmarked $25 million for Pregnancy Crisis Centers. These Crisis Centers say they provide Pregnancy Testing, Pregnancy Support, Abortion Information and Ultrasounds.Staffing of the clinics is difficult to find in publicly available documents. Some list staff but do not provide credentials. Pictures of people with white lab coats seem to imply professionalism. Few list medical directors. The clinics are not licensed. This means no routine inspections, or supervisory oversight. Because they do not bill clients HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) does not apply. This raises concerns about the protection of personal information and what information may be shared with others. With whispers of tracking pregnancies this is especially alarming. Oversight of the clinics has be outsourced to the Florida Pregnancy Network. An organization with close ties to anti-abortion and religious groups.Pregnancy Counseling is often full of misinformation about abortion, and they make no referrals to physicians or clinics that provide abortion care.Pregnancy Support is provided with supplies and some funding but often requires participation in “counseling groups” often with religious overtones.Ultrasounds can be provided by a technician but must be read by licensed doctor or Advanced Practice Nurse. Ultrasound reading by other than trained professionals can lead to misuse, manipulation or giving an incorrect gestational age.Abortion Reversal requires injections of Progesterone and is controversial and not accepted practice by the Medical College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists. Unlicensed clinics are prohibited from dispensing medication and performing medical procedures.So, the Pregnancy Crisis Centers operate without licenses, inspections, oversight by the Department of Health, are able to spread misinformation by stating it is a First Amendment right, have no standard staff training and most importantly do not offer women health care choices. All supported by taxpayer dollars. The Sunshine State has pulled the shades on taxpayer access to how the money is being used and whether these clinics deliver the care they advertise. The clinics are set up to divert women’s access to comprehensive health care that is factual, unbiased, caring and may include abortion. We all deserve better.Stop the drive to limit women’s health care by voting YES on Amendment 4.

Patricia Howard, Naples

So Trump makes an insinuation that Biden may have had the Justice Department – FBI conspire to assassinate him during the classified documents search at Mar-a-Largo. Of course, agents and police officers carry weapons when serving search warrants. Recently four police officers were murdered in Charlotte, NC serving a search warrant with an M-16 weapon of war. Dozens have been killed over the years serving warrants. It is standing operating procedure to carry weapons while serving warrants for their safety. To even throw that type garbage out is more than pathetic. How low will he go. And secondly, how can Americans vote for a guy who over and over again praises Putin, Kim Jong Un, Xi, Orban, dictators extraordinaire. When will we as Americans come to our senses and finally put him out to pasture.

Dennis Flynn, North Fort Myers

Can America withstand another four years of Trump’s paroxysmal outbursts and incessant nonsensical rantings?The next time around without constraints the chaos seen during the first term is certain to be exacerbated perhaps to a point of no return.Just imagine unleashing the likes of Jordan, Gosar, Cruz, Greene and especially Stephen Miller on the American people.Sadly there may not be enough voters around who lived through WWII and know what fascism and the Holocaust brought upon us to save the day.Nationalism is okay if it is not limited solely to one homogeneous group.If democracy is to survive and freedom is to flourish you need smart and compassionate leadership that serves all and not just the few.George W. Bush had it right when he embraced that concept but sadly his party has been hijacked by uninformed extremists.President Biden has resurrected as much of that as possible against extremist resistance.America’s greatness was on life support for a while but now it is on its way back.Let us not allow it to be assaulted again.

Fred Jodice, North Fort Myers

Once again there is yet another fear mongering hurricane season front page article. I get it. You feel it’s your duty to inform Southwest Florida of the predicted active hurricane season. But enough is enough. Stop saying deadly. Stop with these unnecessary lengthy repetitive articles. I am generalizing here, but the demographic reading these articles are fully aware of proper hurricane preparedness. Stop scaring people. Save your ink. We can all wait for the TV weather forecasters to inform us when actual hurricanes begin forming.

Christine Sharpe, Fort Myers

Vote Debbie Mucarsel-Powell for U.S. Senate. Rick Scott should have gone to jail, not the governor’s mansion or the U.S. Senate. As CEO his company bilked almost a billion dollars from Medicare in the 1990’s. He and the company were prosecuted civilly. Consequently, he avoided criminal prosecution and jail. With ill-gotten gains he spends over $40 million to become governor, twice. Then more to become senator. A convicted crook wins three elections by a TOTAL less than 3%. No recounts. Nary a peep. I’ve lived in Florida over 38 years and watched Republicans turn a once affordable tropical paradise into an unaffordable concrete sweatbox. While developers became filthy rich. Still no solution for U.S. Sugar pollution. Red tide prevails. Home prices are unaffordable to starter buyers. Library book bans are the rally cry of the dictator worshippers. Teachers’ wages are near lowest in the country. College professors are fleeing in droves. Homeowners insurance skyrockets. Scott, a climate denier that forbade state employees mention of environment in any communications. DeSantis’ talk about the environment is merely campaign lying. Legislation, nope. Wake up Democrats and remember the days when Florida was balanced. This November is a good time to set your alarm clock. That goes for slumbering Democrats, independents and Republicans not in name only. It’s time to put your country and your state first. Vote for leaders, not criminals. Vote for women’s choice. Vote Debbie Mucarsel-Powell for U.S. Senate. Vote Joe Biden for president.

Peter Karastamatis, Fort Myers

It is absolutely amazing to me to see all the negative letters in the mailbag about Trump, DeSantis and the Republican Party while at the same time we have the most corrupt, senile and flip-flopping president in recent history. He has failed in all aspects of government, both national and international. I call on all you liberal mailbag writers to send to the mailbag Biden’s accomplishments in the past three and a half years. It might even help him get re-elected, which probably won’t happen.

Jim McMenamy, Fort Myers

A gentleman wrote in recently explaining why he supports Rick Scott. I am writing to explain why I believe you should not. The writer quotes Rick Scott as saying time and time again that government should be run like a business. Let’s look at Rick Scott’s record as a businessman. He cofounded and was CEO for 10 years of Columbia HCS, a health care company. Four months after he was pressured to resign, the Justice Department prosecuted the company for fraud against Medicare and other federal health care programs. They were forced to pay a fine of 1.7 billion dollars. At the time Mr. Scott said it was a case of political persecution. Sound familiar? In a civil lawsuit against HCA Mr. Scott cited the Fifth 75 times during his deposition because criminal investigations were ongoing at the time. It is true that as governor he paid down the state’s debt, but he did so on the backs of state workers. Ask them and teachers what they thought of him. Neither one of those groups fared well under Governor Rick Scott. As for him living within the state’s means, Florida statues require that mandate. As a U.S. senator he continues his campaign against the working class and the poor. Remember his plan to sunset Social Security and Medicare? How about his attempt to enact a minimum federal tax? Everyone should have skin in the game he exclaimed. His tax would have affected the poorest of the poor raising taxes on 40% of the population. Ask him if he will vote to rescind Trump’s tax cut which put loads of cash into his pockets. Republicans are only conservative when Democrats are in office. What I believe should be unforgivable by any citizen, Democrat or Republican, is the fact that Senator Scott participated in the 2020 coup. He voted to omit Arizona and Pennsylvania from counting those state’s electors which would have altered the outcome of the election. He collaborated with other Republican legislators to try to have the 2020 presidential election decided by themselves rather than by the voters. Yeah, he’s a great guy.

William Whisman, Fort Myers

We’ve heard the expression that we vote our conscience. Our conscience informs our moral judgments. It’s an instinct that steers us towards right over wrong, good over evil, honesty over dishonesty, altruism over self- gratification. It makes us feel good to act with integrity, to be people of character. When we violate what our conscience is telling us, we feel shame and guilt.In all presidential elections since 1964, the number of female voters has exceeded the number of male voters. Females of conscience will elect the next president. They’ll use their own ethical standards to evaluate the candidates. Self-respecting women will assess the nominee who has cheated on each of his three wives, and who has groped and abused numerous women because he feels entitled to. The narcissist ridiculously considers himself special, even immune, because he’s a star.He’s a xenophobe who admires white nationalists. The draft dodger belittles those who have served and died for our country as suckers and losers. Does he have no conscience, no soul? This silver spoon country clubber sees unfortunate refugees seeking a better life as invaders, murderers, and rapists. He wants to be a feared dictator. He lies about anything and everything. He still cries and lies about an election he lost.Is Trump someone to be admired? Does he have integrity? Does he have any redeeming qualities? In good conscience, can anyone, male or female, trust him to choose right over wrong, and to do what’s best for us rather than for himself?

Kevin McNally, Bonita Springs

Remember back in the good old days when computers were going to make our lives easier? The same is now being said about Artificial Intelligence, AI for short. I remember as little as six or seven months ago that AI was the wave of the future. Now all of a sudden, the future is here, as all you hear about is AI. It’s going to make our lives so easy and much better. We may want to stop, take a step back, and take a good hard look at that promise.The reason I say that is some recent encounters with computers, you know those doohickeys that were going to make our lives so much better and easier. Today, I tried to make an appointment for my wife at a well-known medical lab. I have done this for myself several times with no problems. And, as I’m sure you can all relate to the fact that online is the only way you can make an appointment. I got to a certain point in the sign-in process and I couldn’t get past there. Now what to do? Should I go to the lab in person and talk to a nurse, if they could take time out to help me? Should I tell my wife to just show up as a walk-in and hopes she gets called in a timely manner? Yeah, right.A second reason is what happened to friends of ours. They were getting ready to go back North and they were trying to cancel their newspaper subscription. The easiest path for her is to be able to talk to somebody. The second easiest is for the paper’s website to have a question such as “Do you want to cancel your subscription?” Surely you jest. On the day I took them to the airport, I think she had finally solved the problem. But, should it have taken days, which it did, to do it?I will close with a particularly galling problem that has cropped up again on my computer. In the past, both my computer and TV thought they were in Seattle. It took weeks to solve that problem. Then, a few months ago, my computer decided to take a trip to Tampa/St. Pete. My engineer friend had to fix that problem for me. Now, a few days ago, my computer decided to take a trip to Tampa again. Oh, yes, computers have made my life so much easier.Now do you know why I am skeptical about the promises for AI? There have already been reports of AI being used for nefarious purposes. I think we should go into this future with our eyes wide open and with a lot of skepticism about all of AI’s promises.

Charles Bainbridge, Naples

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