Uncanny Profits: 3 AI Robot Stocks to Own Despite the Creep Factor

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Have you ever heard of the uncanny valley? It refers to the unsettling feeling humans sometimes experience when seeing a humanoid robot or generated face, for example. It arises when such faces feel slightly “off.” The term itself was coined by a Japanese professor in the 1970s with the “valley” referring to an inflection point at which human-like robot features move from endearing to scary. While an AI robot can be uncannily human at times, the returns from stocks in companies making such robots can also prove uncanny.

That’s what we will be discussing as the development of AI robots continues to progress. There are a handful of prominent firms that are leveraging AI in robotics, some of which are also developing humanoid robots. Let’s look at three such AI robot companies and their stocks.

Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA) is the world’s most famous electric vehicle company. It’s also one of the companies at the forefront of humanoid AI robots. The company announced that it was developing a humanoid AI robot back in 2021. The company then first revealed a prototype in September of 2022 at Tesla’s AI day.

Tesla itself hasn’t released much information about the so-called Optimus robot. The brief information it does offer can be found here. It explains pretty much what anyone would expect. It requires a lot of complex engineering and is generally being designed to engage in unsafe, boring or repetitive tasks.

The company has done some limited demonstrations of the robot. Well not yet at that level, it’s clear that Optimus has the potential to replace factory workers. It should also be noted that other automotive manufacturers have integrated humanoid AI robots at their factories.

While it will take a long, long time for Optimus robots to materially affect Tesla’s stock, it’s probably worth investing now as Tesla seems to have passed its low point.

Hyundai Motor Company (OTCMKTS:HYMTF) is another automotive manufacturer which produces internal combustion engine vehicles and EVs. It also owns Boston Dynamics which it operates as a subsidiary. Boston Dynamics one of the best known robotics company globally. Its dog-like robot named Spot is very recognizable.

The robot is offered in three pre-configured packages designed for inspection, research and hazardous response. Spot also has an API allowing it to be programmed for more specific uses. And, the robot is deployable from distances of 600 miles.

Boston Dynamics is not a standalone company and instead is an operating segment of Hyundai. Thus, investors will not be able to profit from the AI robot opportunity directly via HYMTF shares.

Instead, investors should keep Boston Dynamics in mind as a company that could potentially be spun off in the future. Hyundai Motor Company may separate the company and bring it public at some point in the future.

Intuitive Surgical (NASDAQ:ISRG) debuted its Da Vinci surgical system all the way back in the year 2000. That system has a long track record of assisting surgeons in precision procedures and improving outcomes. Today, Intuitive Surgical is one of the best AI robot stocks available to investors.

The company is applying artificial intelligence to its DaVinci surgical system in multiple ways. Intuitive launched a digital tool late last year that allows surgeons to study their own procedure data to achieve better results for patients.

AI is also embedded in the company’s stapler device and measures thousands of data points per second to ensure that a good staple fire occurs.

Intuitive surgical, like many other healthcare firms, is leveraging AI for its prowess in improving 3D scans to improve outcomes.While the company is not currently developing humanoid robots it is a stock that has returned nearly 20% to investors year-to-date.

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