Google has reportedly delayed the launch of Gemini AI, a conversational artificial intelligence which aims to compete with the popular ChatGPT founding company OpenAI. The launch has been delayed to next year in January (2024).
As per The Information, a publication which writes about technology, a series of Gemini events which were scheduled for next week (mid-December 2023) in New York, California and Washington has been cancelled by Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google.
He cancelled the events after Google found that the AI tool was unable to handle some of the non-English queries.
The upcoming events were not announced publicly. If Google’s Gemini event had taken place this year, it would have been marked as the most important product launch of Google in 2023.
After it exhausted its computing resources and merged the large teams to pursue OpenAI urgently, the report stated.
Gemini has been designed to handle a larger number of applications, which are merged in various sorts of data like text and images for more advanced tasks.
It was back in June 2023, when Demis Hassabis, Google’s DeepMind CEO said that Gemini would be more capable than ChatGPT.
He further mentioned that the engineers are using various techniques from the AI program AlphaGo- which was the first to defeat a champion human player of the board game Go to create ‘Gemini’.
Gemini is said to bring improvements to Google’s existing AI and AI-enhanced products too, like Google Assistant, Bard and Search.
This new artificial intelligence-enabled system was first teased at Google’s developer conference in May 2023 when the company announced the new AI projects.